Short Personal Program

3 sessions | 55 min each | $585 ($555 concession) | Online or in-person

This 3 Session Personal Program guides you through to a different perception of your current challenge, a broader understanding of an illness, or clarity to problems within relationships.

Imagine yourself living freer from aspects of your past or current pain or trauma and being able to live more reflective of your true authentic self.

All sessions are informal and relaxed. I offer a safe, non judgemental space for you to share, learn, grow and feel supported in your journey.

Have the bonus of receiving an audio with key points of reflection after each sessions when you book and pay for three.

Do you feel overwhelmed or are facing challenges in your life? Perhaps you are doubting yourself and what you are here to do. The 3 sessions program will provide you with the techniques and support to reconnect with your unique gifts and purpose.